Inside the Leadership Signature
Posted On Aug 30 2016What did you have for breakfast this morning? That was a choice you made. The decision process is part of your leadership signature. This is connected to how you approach choices every day, as a manager or as a staff member. You signature may be passive or aggressive; it can be empathetic or in can be disconnected. Balance The most important piece to consider is how you keep connected. If you approach causes you to be disconnected from those you work with and influence, you can lose success and be frustrated with the outcomes. Some of the best way to …

Key Steps for Gaining Leadership Skills
Posted On Aug 23 2016There are many ways to gain leadership skills. Many cases are where a person finds him- or herself promoted to a position, and having to learn the skills as they go along. In other cases, a person has leadership ambitions, but find that there seems to be no way to acquire, improve and prove leadership skills with their current position. Even if you are not attempting to move into a leadership position, having the perspective of a good leader can improve your position and your outlook on work in general. In an Inc. Magazine article, I learned about 10 tips for …

How to See Leadership Gaps
Posted On Aug 16 2016The Leadership Gap describes 2 different, related problems: Not having enough leaders Having leaders without the right skills The Pressure to Promote from within When organizations find that there is a lack of leadership for an area, many choose to promote leaders from the staff. This is both a reward for hard work and leverages the person’s expertise. This is often the only route for career growth in many organizations. If it is the only path for career, there is a great pressure and expectation from the workforce that expects promotion to only occur from within. If a leader is …

Working Leaders – Keynote Speaking
Posted On Aug 2 2016I recently had a chance to present a shortened version of my positive leadership keynote speech. While it was shorter, I was able to share some key points, with an audience that was right on target for the message. I was speaking to a group of leaders, who are part of a larger non-profit organization, but each person is part of a board of smaller organizations. As such, there were a number of different leadership roles represented. Working Leaders One of the key points I made to those attending was that I recognized that their positions were somewhat unusual from …

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