Inside the Leadership Signature
Posted On Aug 30 2016What did you have for breakfast this morning? That was a choice you made. The decision process is part of your leadership signature. This is connected to how you approach choices every day, as a manager or as a staff member. You signature may be passive or aggressive; it can be empathetic or in can be disconnected. Balance The most important piece to consider is how you keep connected. If you approach causes you to be disconnected from those you work with and influence, you can lose success and be frustrated with the outcomes. Some of the best way to …

How to See Leadership Gaps
Posted On Aug 16 2016The Leadership Gap describes 2 different, related problems: Not having enough leaders Having leaders without the right skills The Pressure to Promote from within When organizations find that there is a lack of leadership for an area, many choose to promote leaders from the staff. This is both a reward for hard work and leverages the person’s expertise. This is often the only route for career growth in many organizations. If it is the only path for career, there is a great pressure and expectation from the workforce that expects promotion to only occur from within. If a leader is …

Value Add
Posted On Jun 28 2016You can use Value Add to tune your approach to activities. It can give you perspective on Leadership, Career and Organizations. We hear Value Add in business jargon. Sometimes it is just used as a buzz-word, with little real meaning. It refers to a specific activity that adds value. It comes from the term ‘Value Added’ – which can mean the profit on items, or the net value of the production of an item or set of items. I spoke to a group in the last week, to give them an idea of how Value Add can be used to …

Lowering Your Expectations or Raising Yourself Up
Posted On Jun 22 2016I am going to share a challenging situation a young man was having in his work position. He was feeling like his leadership was not showing the responsibility to him or his position. There were cases of him not receiving communication as well as not getting enough feedback on his position. While he was frustrated, and it made him less positive about his work, he did have some thoughts about the situation that showed a good, leading up perspective. First, he understood that there were expectations in the role of the leadership above him. Next, he took some steps to …

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