Do you fly around with a cape? Have you been bitten by a radioactive bug? Do you own billions of dollars of gadgets?
Only 1 of those is partially true – paying for the right equipment is important.
Yet, even more important is how you deal with an even more important resource: your workforce.
What are key ideas that make a leader seem super:
- The team is engaged
- The team feels empowered
- The team feels safe taking chances
- The leader encourages the team towards his vision
- The communication is clear and easy
We often see leaders like this as charismatic. They are charismatic, but a lot of that can be a side-effect from how well they connect and inspire their teams.
Another key fact of a leader is that they know that they don’t have to do all the work, or even oversee ever small detail. They do well to understand most or all the pieces, but even better is when then surround themselves with those who fill the pieces that they know others do better.
You can be a super leader by empowering and encouraging your team!